
Tuition Assistance

2022-2023 School Year Financial Aid Policy

Updated Aug 9, 2021

The Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School (CKACS) Financial Aid Fund provides the opportunity to income qualified families to receive tuition assistance for their K-6 children attending CKACS. It is governed by the Board of Education’s (The Board) Financial Assistance Committee.

Each year, The Board develops a budget to create the Financial Aid Fund. This fund is fully subsidized by full-pay tuition students. The Treasurer leads the Financial Assistance Committee in dispersing Financial Aid Awards to parents.

Award amounts are final and based on the number of eligible applicants during the open application period. Additional funding will not be created after awards have been finalized.

Eligibility Process


CKACS subscribes to SmartAid, a third party service provider for families seeking tuition assistance. This service helps parents streamline and submit their financial aid applications via an online portal. SmartAid collects and processes relevant data and documents for review to identify financial aid eligibility. All applications must be submitted through SmartAid and will remain confidential. Eligibility is fully determined by SmartAid and the policies set forth in this document. Parents must apply online at

  • Applications Start: April 15, 2022
  • Applications Close: July 1, 2022
  • Results/Awards Date: July 31, 2022



Financial Aid status letters will be delivered to the mailing and email address on file.


Prior eligibility does not guarantee future eligibility. Awarded amounts in prior years will vary for future awards based on the Financial Aid Fund and number of eligible applicants. Pre-K and Preschool students do not qualify for Financial Aid. Financial Aid is only open to students entering K-6.

* Applications for the 2022-2023 school year are closed.

More on eligibility

Financial Aid will not cover full tuition. In many cases the need is much greater than the Financial Aid Fund. Parents should expect to still pay a majority portion of their child’s tuition.

Families must have guaranteed class availability for their child, be pre-registered and have paid the non-refundable pre-registration fee prior to the application closing deadline to remain eligible for financial aid.

Additional discounts, such as multiple student discounts, are not available to families receiving financial aid, even if the other students are in Pre-K or Preschool.

Families approved for financial aid may have their enrollment status moved to the waiting list to allow preference for full-pay tuition students.

Eligibility is closed after the application close deadline. New students enrolling mid-year are not eligible for financial aid in the current school year.