
Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)

Welcome to the Pre-K Program at CKACS

The Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School, (CKACS) Pre K classes offer a fantastic opportunity for the students to attend a dual immersion learning program incorporating both Armenian and English languages and traditions into their daily learning environment. Your child will be in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment as they make the transition to move into Kindergarten.

Pre-K Program Information

Pre-K are immersed in a setting where literacy skills, mathematics, social/emotional growth activities are part of their daily routine. Our program uses the Houghton Mifflin ‘Splash into PreKindergarten’ curriculum. It is consistent with our philosophy that addresses central aspects of child development. It provides a coherent focus for planning children’s experiences. It allows for adaptations and modifications to ensure access to the curriculum for all children. The curriculum guides teachers; development and intentional implementation of learning opportunities consistent with the program’s goals and objectives. Our curriculum can be implemented in a manner that reflects responsiveness to family home values, beliefs, experiences and language. The goals and objectives of the curriculum guide teachers’ ongoing assessment of children’s progress. The curriculum guides teachers to integrate assessment information with curriculum goals to support individualized learning.